Contact Information
Here are the phone numbers for all the major offices and entities in Bibb County. If you're on mobile phone, tap to call a number.
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Emergency Info
TagHere are the phone numbers for all the major offices and entities in Bibb County. If you're on mobile phone, tap to call a number.
Circuit Clerk: 205-926-3103
District Judge/Juvenile Probation: 205-926-3106
District Attorney: 205-926-4247
Veterans Affairs: 205-926-3116
Board of Registrars: 205-926-3102
Health Department: 205-926-9702
Bibb Correctional Facility (Prison): 205-926-5252
Cooperative Extension System: 205-926-4310
Highway Department: 205-926-3111
Sheriff's Office: 205-926-4683
County Jail: 205-926-9581
EMA Director: 205-926-3113
Probate Judge: 205-926-3108
Tax Assessor/Collector: 205-926-3105
Landfill/Transfer Station: 205-928-9221
County Commission Office: 205-926-3114
City of Brent: 205-926-4643
City of Centreville: 205-205-926-4995
Town of West Blocton: 205-938-7622
Town of Woodstock: 205-938-9790